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2020 Q2 Regulatory Round-Up

The legal and regulatory response to COVID-19 continues to modify the compliance landscape for employers, including new requirements and options for employer-sponsored health and retirement plans. Read on to learn more about some of the recent changes during the second quarter of 2020.

For a complete overview of the legal and regulatory changes that took place during Q1 of 2020, read 2020 Q1 Regulatory Round-Up.

June 2020

  1. Computing Overtime Using Fluctuating Workweek Method HR
  2. New Law Expanding Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) COVID-19 HR
  3. COVID-19 & Discrimination COVID-19 HR
  4. SCOTUS Protects LGBTQ+ Rights in the Workplace COVID-19 HR
  5. [WEBINAR] Q2 Legislative & Regulatory Update COVID-19 BENEFITS HR
  6. Affordable Care Act (ACA) Section 1557 Nondiscrimination Updates BENEFITS
  7. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to Issue Proposed Wellness Rules BENEFITS
  8. Future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) BENEFITS

May 2020

  1. Employee Benefit Plan Deadline Extension Relief COVID-19 BENEFITS
  2. Retirement Plans & COVID-19 COVID-19 WEALTH
  3. New COBRA Model Notice BENEFITS
  4. [WEBINAR] COVID-19 & Return to Work Part 2 COVID-19 HR
  5. Convergence of Health and Wealth for Workforce COVID-19 BENEFITS HR WEALTH
  6. Temporary I-9 Process for Remote Workers HR
  7. 2019 EEO-1 Data Collected Suspended Until 2021 COVID-19 HR
  8. CARES Act Employee Retention Credit Guidance COVID-19 HR
  9. [WEBINAR] Updated Stimulus Guidance COVID-19
  10. Cafeteria Plan Relief and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Carryover Guidance COVID-19 BENEFITS
  11. Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness COVID-19 HR
  12. Whether to Change Retirement Portfolio Based on Market Volatility WEALTH
  13. [WEBINAR] COVID-19 & Benefits Compliance COVID-19 BENEFITS
  14. Health Savings Account (HAS) 2021 Limits BENEFITS
  15. Department of Labor (DOL) Overtime Exemption Clarification for Retail/Service Employees HR
  16. [WEBINAR] Cafeteria Plan & COBRA Update COVID-19 BENEFITS
  17. Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Terms COVID-19 HR

April 2020

  1. [WEBINAR] Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Stability (CARES) Act FAQs COVID-19 HR
  2. Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Interim Final Rule HR
  3. Over the Counter (OTC) Products Under CARES Act COVID-19 BENEFITS
  4. [WEBINAR] Q1 Legislative & Regulatory Update Part 1 COVID-19 BENEFITS HR
  5. [WEBINAR] Q1 Legislative & Regulatory Update Part 2 COVID-19 BENEFITS HR
  6. Determining Whether to Change Retirement Plan Match & Navigating Loan Distribution Requests COVID-19 HR WEALTH
  7. Section 139 Disaster Relief Payments & COVID-19 COVID-19 HR
  8. COVID-19 & Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws COVID-19 HR
  9. Employer Tax Savings Under Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) COVID-19 HR
  10. [WEBINAR] CARES Act & Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for Small Businesses COVID-19 HR
  11. [WEBINAR] COVID-19 Leaves of Absence & Benefits COVID-19 HR
  12. Stimulus Bill 3.5 COVID-19 HR
  13. [WEBINAR] Over the Counter (OTC) Products under CARES Act COVID-19 BENEFITS
  14. MassHealth Extends Open Enrollment COVID-19 BENEFITS
  16. Health Impacts of Financial Instability on Workforce COVID-19 HR WEALTH
  17. [WEBINAR] COVID-19 & Return to Work Part 1 COVID-19 HR

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