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A Matter Of Perspective

If you are a follower of international news you will have background on some of the latest news coming from the Korean peninsula.  But if you aren't then let me give you a short rundown.  On one side, Kim Jon Un says he is building a nuclear arsenal and will use it because he wants to protect himself from countries like the U.S. The other perspective is that the U.S. thinks he is building a nuclear arsenal and threatening to attack because he is an unstable dictator and in our eyes he represents a danger to us and his neighbors.

I tend to agree with the later perspective, but there is clearly a difference between the two perspectives.  Let me give you another example which is closer to home. The other day I’m picking up my two daughters from day care and while in the process of getting them home I was talking to one of the teachers when my more mobile younger daughter moseys on over to the clean and organized toy shelf where she promptly begins to start putting various freshly cleaned toys in her mouth.  As I said earlier, these toys had clearly already been thoroughly cleaned and nicely organized because it was the end of the day so when she began to put them into her mouth it prompted a look from the teacher.  The thought running through my head was: “This poor over-worked teacher just cleaned these toys and now she is going to have even more work to do after I leave.”  I looked at the teacher and her response was “Oh!” She then pointed at my daughter.  I immediately began to apologize to the teacher and was about to begin the process of scolding my daughter when she interrupted me.  The teacher’s response was not exactly what I had expected.  The teacher began to point out that she was worried because she had just used cleaning solution on these toys and because the toys hadn't dried fully my daughter might have ingested some of this bad stuff before it dried.  Again, it is a matter of perspective.  In both cases we can see that both sides seem to have a different take on the same event.

Our perspective can often reveal our true thoughts and intentions. For instance, I now know that my daughter’s teacher is more concerned about my daughter’s safety than having to stay a few minutes later to do extra work.  Also, I can safely say some of OneDigital’s more recent actions to build a brokerage business that is sustainable are a reflection of our perspective on health care reform.   Many brokers, politicians and employers are choosing to run the other way and deny the reality that this law in going to be enacted, but OneDigital has tried to take another perspective and find opportunity.  Even as we speak, OneDigital has organized a group to take our private Marketplace exchange model developed for the Northeast and expand it to other parts of the country. OneDigital is actually trying to look for ways to be actively involved in the exchange versus fighting against it and dragging our feet.

Another example of our opportunistic perspective can be found in our recent company changes.  OneDigital actually went out to try and find additional capital so that we could make investments for growth. We have also made company reorganizations at the highest level by hiring an in-house attorney so that our company can keep informed of the many changes occurring in a post health care reform world.

I have just named a few examples that indicate OneDigital’s true perspective, which is client-centered. It is in the best interests of our clients to be pro-active in the post PPACA world.  Again …  it is all about your perspective.

