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Building Culture Even When You’re Miles Away

Part of what makes the culture at OneDigital so unique is the feel-good atmosphere created by each of our employees. For us, it’s second nature. We have a genuine desire to connect with others to foster an environment of inclusivity.

One major component that supports our culture is finding ways to build connections while having a little fun with our everyday tasks — the latest being a new twist on the out-of-office message. Some of the folks around the office are kicking it up a notch, crafting clever out-of-office messages that’ll put your standardized auto-reply to shame. And the best part of all, it’s fun, easy and simple to create.

You may be surprised to learn that something as simple as having a creative out-of-office message can have quite the­­ impact.

Consider our clients for example; research shows that clients typically feel neglect and frustration when you’re away or can’t be reached. Imagine how adding humor or wit to your auto-reply email would alter their mood. It also creates an opportunity to showcase your winning personality that makes you so great. Think about how it promotes the idea of a close-knit team that we at OneDigital hold so dear. It opens the door to sharing experiences and commonalities that forge stronger bonds with others in our office and those across the country.

I think back to my most recent getaway. I wanted to share not just my whereabouts and excitement for the trip, but why my time away from the office is so precious. So, I took the more personable approach, and came up with:

Hello – I’m on another ADVENTURE – this time on the Baltic Sea. Thank you, OneDigital, for allowing me the flexibility to do this thing that I love. I travel to regroup, to reinvent myself, to be the best me I can be, to find joy in the ordinary and peace in exploring.  I travel to BE. “You’ll never know until you go!”

I couldn’t believe the replies wanting to know how the trip had gone. I was able to share stories and pictures, but most importantly, I was able to connect. So the next time you are away from the office, keep your colleagues and clients in the loop with a little humor and delight. Just because you’re away for a while doesn’t mean you can’t still be part of the fun that makes this place so great.

