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Champions Of Culture: The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts

“Culture” seems to be the current buzzword for any executive that is looking to foster a high-functioning, happy, and successful company. It’s easy enough to say that, but what exactly IS culture? How can we define it, why is it important, and how can each employee contribute to it? The answer to these questions may very well exist in Aristotle’s famous quote, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

When thinking about a company’s culture, one must look at the source–it’s people. Each employee offers a unique element to the greater whole, and the sum of everyone’s contributions creates a vibrant environment that is kept alive by the energy and dedication of its keepers. We are all the keepers of our culture. It is our responsibility to nurture it, to keep it strong, and to champion its success.

We asked several of our OneDigital colleagues to offer their thoughts on the subject. Take a peek at the video below for an inside look at our very own Champions of Culture.


