Better Benefits
Forget Retaining Your People, Grow Them
Forget Retaining Your People, Grow Them
Think retention is the most important aspect of your talent strategy? Think again.
Over 100 million American workers have quit their jobs since 2021.* Savvy business leaders understand that the retention problem is not going away, and that they need a playbook to secure their workforce for the long haul.
The massive increase in voluntary resignations over the last few years has led many companies to take a reactionary stance to try and prevent this talent exodus. While it is tempting to view this phenomenon as some sort of covid-related anomaly, the hard truth is that the shortage of workers is an indication of a demographic drought, much larger in scale.
Now available on demand, playback this critical discussion with OneDigital's senior leaders as they challenge traditional assumptions about what motivates workers to stay with their employer and introduce an entirely new approach to tackling turnover.
Walk away from this session with the following takeaways:
- Understand the importance of clarity and the elements that drive an individual’s growth.
- Proactive actions that focus on professional development vs. simply retaining your people.
- How to build a growth plan for both your people and yourself.
*Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics