As the year draws to a close and the holiday season is upon us, it is natural to take a moment and reflect. The year 2014 will likely be known as a turbulent one. Whether looking domestically – Ebola, Immigration, recent events in St. Louis and New York or internationally – Ukraine, ISIS, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, there seems to be no shortage of troubling news. Yet despite all of these challenges, I think it is incumbent upon all of us, especially this time of year, to find and focus on the good in our lives.
Earlier this week, more than 100 clients, prospective clients, and OneDigital team members gathered for our winter C- Suite series event at the Society Room in Hartford. Last year, we launched the series with the intention of leading an ongoing, local C-level conversation regarding changing trends in healthcare and its impact on business. Following the presentation, the crowd enjoyed a holiday cocktail reception and the opportunity to catch up with old friends and new acquaintances.
As the reception proceeded among the festive setting of wreaths, lights, and trees, it dawned on me how blessed we are as an organization.
Blessed by our loyal clients, most of whom have become our friends, some of whom would take time out of their busy business and personal schedules to support our organization on a Monday evening.
Blessed that we have become part of OneDigital, an organization that places a high value on people and culture.
Blessed by our new partnership with our friends at Litchfield Insurance Group and their ability to provide Property and Casualty solutions to our mutual clients.
Blessed by our new employees who bring with them all of the promise and energy of a new year.
Blessed by our former employees who have moved on to other career opportunities but left their indelible mark on our organization.
Blessed by all of the supportive families who tolerate the early/late meetings, the travel, the work from home, and the incessant checking of cell phones.
Blessed by the joy of family growth. The OneDigital Hartford team welcomed new baby, Catharine, born to our team member Jessica Lee and her husband and new baby, Norah, born to our team member Mike Garner and his wife. We are blessed by and excited for expectant parents – Karen Burgess, Nathan Pierce, and Russ Stone and blessed by the joy of newlyweds Simone (Griffing) Torneo and Matt Torneo, formerly of OneDigital Hartford.
All the best,
Brian F. Driscoll