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Possible Changes to the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) May Be in the Works

On May 21, 2019, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced that it will be issuing a Request for Information in April 2020, regarding the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Specifically, the DOL will solicit comments from employers, among others, on ways to improve its regulations under FMLA to:

(a) better protect and suit the needs of workers; and
(b) reduce administrative and compliance burdens on employers.

Reportedly, a DOL branch chief also recently commented that the agency is looking at ways to make FMLA forms easier to use, including more checkboxes and reducing the demand they place on physicians.

This is just a preliminary step in the long process of reviewing FMLA regulations, and employers should expect to see more guidance from the DOL on what specific portions of FMLA it may consider revising. In the meantime, there are no changes to employer requirements under FMLA. However, if you are so inclined, you may want to identify areas of FMLA requirements that you would like to see improved so that, when the Request for Information period opens next year, you will be able to add your two cents.

Our team of compliance experts and leaders will continue to monitor the latest developments in healthcare compliance; be sure to visit the OneDigital Compliance Confidence Blog so you don’t miss a thing.

