When can employees return to work and do so as safely as possible?

Released May 2020


As states, localities and health officials begin to set parameters around reopening businesses, bringing your employees back onsite successfully will not be as simple as flipping a switch. Every company is unique, some have workers who may be able to continue working remotely, while others have manufacturing to restart or brick-and-mortar retail locations to bring back to life. However, each company faces the same concerns: where to begin, how to keep employees protected, when to communicate, and determining what is the right way to drive the business forward.

Download OneDigital's  Returning to the Workplace Checklist for:

  • A comprehensive list of workplace considerations to take into account before welcoming employees back to work
  • Communications, health and safety, compliance and re-engagement strategic questions to ask of your leadership team

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Returning to the Workplace Checklist