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Washington State’s Partnership Access Line (PAL) Assessment Due Dates for 2025

New Quarterly Fee for Health Carriers in Washington: What Employers Need to Know

The state of Washington is now requires all “assessed entities” (which includes health carriers, self-funded multiple employer welfare arrangements, and other employer or entities that provide healthcare in the state) to pay a quarterly assessment to the state in order to fund its Partnership Access Lines (PAL) program. The assessment does not apply to dental-only or vision-only plans. The program supports Washington’s (1) Partnership Access Line, (2) Mental Health Referral Service for Children and Teens, (3) Perinatal Psychiatry Consultation Line for Providers, and (4) Psychiatry Consultation Line.

How much is the fee?

The 2025 rate is $0.06 per covered life. A “covered life” is any Washington state resident to whom the assessed entity administers, provides, pays for, insures, or covers healthcare services. This rate may be changed annually.

When is the assessment due?

Each assessment is due within 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter. For 2025, that means assessments are due:

Quarter Due Date
Quarter 1 May 15, 2025
Quarter 2 August 15, 2025
Quarter 3 November 15, 2025
Quarter 4 February 15, 2026

How do employers submit the assessment?

Reports and assessments are submitted through the WAPAL Fund Online Assessment System. Employers report each covered life for the quarter and submit the $0.06 for each covered life. Even if an employer has zero covered lives during that quarter, they are still required to file a report. Any late assessments may be subject to interest charges and civil penalties.

Many Third-Party Administrators (TPAs) have been offering to assist in employers in paying the quarterly assessments. If you haven’t already, talk to your TPA to see how they can help. Also, make sure to register with the WAPAL online assessment system so you can submit reports timely.

Stay compliant with Washington's changing regulations. If you're managing the new quarterly assessments for the PAL program, make sure you're also up-to-date on Washington’s My Health My Data Act. Learn how both laws impact your business and ensure you're fully compliant.

