Better Benefits, No Headaches
Shhh...Quiet Quitters at Work
Shhh...Quiet Quitters at Work
As employers continue to struggle to motivate remote employees to return to the workplace, employers have also shared concerns about quiet quitting.
The term “quiet quitters” is not necessarily new in the business world vernacular, but the prevalence is certainly unprecedented from what we have seen in the past. In fact, reported 8 out of 10 people as self-reported quiet quitters and that 21 percent of employed Americans are doing the bare minimum for their pay. Even more, 5% of employees shared that they are doing less than they are being paid.
Lesa Caputo, Principal and Benefits Advisor, joined the Santa Barbara News AM 1290 Radio for the HR-Minute segment to discuss this trend in the workplace and the strategies that employers can use to engage and make employees feel supported and valued during this new workforce environment.
Want to learn more about this topic? Check out this recent blog post: Falling Prey to Quiet Quitting? What You Need to Know to Positively Impact Your Employees.