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Moneyball Benefits Podcast: Reign In Spending with Reference-Based-Pricing

If you're like most employers, you're constantly making decisions about the best way to allocate scarce resources.

OneDigital is here to help this decision-making process with the Moneyball Benefits podcast, where Director of Compliance and Innovation Scott Wham takes inspiration from the "Moneyball" philosophy that revolutionized professional sports in the 2000s and applies it to the world of employer-sponsored benefit offerings.

In episode four, Scott is joined by Director of Analytics Cassandra Schlarb to talk about reference-based pricing, which is one of the most effective ways for employers to reign in health expenses without compromising on coverage or quality of care.

This episode covers the following topics:

  • How does reference-based pricing actually work?
  • What to do if a healthcare provider is unaware of reference-based pricing or disputes a payment?
  • What is it like when a company and it's employees transition from a conventional health plan to reference-based pricing?
  • How much money can employers really expect to save with this plan model?


Want to listen to the rest of the Moneyball series? You can find additional episodes on our Employer Advisory Podcast page.

If you enjoyed this podcast episode, you may also like this blog: Want to Reduce the Cost of Your Employer-Sponsored Health Plan? Maximize Savings with Reference-Based Pricing.

